Monday, June 04, 2012

Q and A Time

I simply had to post this question here. It so beautifully illustrates how this one person is re-thinking the whole subtle conditioning that we are all subject to. We are all taught to create mental boxes to categorize the world--but how many boxes should there be? Are the boxes even valid? This is truly a great question. My answer is probably insufficient, but it's a start.

Are insects, shellfish, plants, fungi and microorganisms part of the reincarnation cycle? Humans obviously are part of the cycle. so are the big animals like wolves and turtles and I think amphibians are part of the cycle, since I once read a short story of a person being reincarnated into a snake. but I'm not quite so sure...since its hard to think of being reincarnated into a snail the same way as being reincarnated into a snake. Neither is being reincarnated into an anchovy the same as being reincarnated into I'm not sure if amphibians and fish are part of the cycle either...and i think birds are part of the cycle..not sure... 

It is only human vanity that ranks one form of life as higher or lower than another.

All life is loved by the universe. All life has its role, has its happiness, has its love.

Do not separate yourself. Do not denigrate any form of life.

We are all One.

It is only human vanity that ranks one form of life as higher or lower than another.

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