Tuesday, June 09, 2009

You Cannot See Anything that You Do Not First Contemplate as a Reality.

What does our society believe in? Computers, for one thing; games too. So, it comes as no surprise that the June 2009 issue of Discover magazine has an article based on a computer model using game theory analysis...

The article tells us that game theory has successfully predicted animal behavior in nature by "forecasting" a foraging strategy that ravens should use, and that was later observed in the wild.

The article is a bit sketchy on details about the actual actions of the ravens, but we are told that it involves cooperation between birds that are traditionally described as "selfish".

The point I want to make here is that nothing changed about the ravens' behavior. They have always cooperated when searching for food. But the traditional, unexamined belief was that each individual acted only for his own benefit. It took words of wisdom from a computer to change the way scientists perceived the birds, and only then was the birds actual behavior noticed.

I'm not a computer, but I would say to anyone that they should approach any animal with the idea that the animal is capable of thinking, of feeling, of loving, just as much as any human. Immediately, the animal will be transformed. Or, I should say, the perception of the animal will be transformed-- into a realistic one.

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